Monday, July 21, 2008

The Adees

Check out the sassy blouses on Bonnie and Vicki!

GG Tess (Grandma Dot's mother) with Bonnie and Vicki

Baby Grandpa Al

Grandma Dot and Grandpa Al

John and Alta (Grandpa Al's parents)

Grandpa Al with baby Bonnie

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Christi's Hot Boyfriend

Meet Jeremiah!

Jeremiah with his family: Rachael, Jarrod, Jeremiah, and Travis

Sunday, January 27, 2008

His Rate is $75/hour

This is Claude, my very cute cat. He is kind of weird.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Plethora of Pleasing Photos

The Rose Garden

We made pear cupcakes!

Bertie Lou and Claude love Kurt

Getting ready for soccer

Dancing at Ken's wedding

Aunt Vic leads "The Achy Breaky"

John and Jean

Courtney and Ken on their wedding day

Aunt Vic and Christi

Oh the fam

Kurt, Colleen, Will, and Christi at Kurt's Birthday dinner

Mom and Dad with Will

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

Illinois: Population 12,831,970 + 1

Kath is officially in Illinois!

I'm sure it will be great, but I wish you were here my friend.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dr. Zhivago

Kirsten and I rented the new version of "Doctor Zhivago" at the video store a few days ago and just finished watching it. When the credits came on we were both surprised and disappointed, it kind of seemed like nothing much really happened and we were left wondering how this could be a famous book and movie.

We were chatting about how weird/stupid the movie was when it switched back from the credits to the menu screen and we noticed, in small white writing at the top of the screen: "Disc 1."

Turns out, what we thought was the end was only the middle point in the movie which made a lot more sense.